Monday, April 13, 2009


Here's a couple pics of Dantae playing a ski jump game on the wii. You crouch down while going down the slope and then spring up to jump. Sorry they're not very good pictures. Dantae has started soccer again and scored 4 of the 6 goals for his team at their first game. I ran the "Run for your life" 5K the same morning as his first game and it was cold and windy so I chose to stay home with Justus and Adriana since Adriana wasn't feeling well.


For Easter this year the kids received their share of sugar in a different sort of basket. After emptying out the candy they can put their own little treasures in these ceramic containers.

They also had a easter hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's, but I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of it. It was so cute watching them, they were so quiet as they went around gathering the goodies in their baskets. We tried to enjoy Easter the best we could since the kids had been sick and Rob and I felt like we were getting it. I think they may have had a mild form of rotavirus. Adriana and Justus were both sick 4-5 days.

Here's a pic I took before they had a chance to pull the candy out.