While we were in Boston we came across this little shop that made t-shirts, caps, etc. using the letters in your name. They were a little pricey but I just couldn't resist getting one for Justus and Adriana. If you're interested in them just let me know and I'll find their website for you.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Name Creations
Posted by Chelle at 8:56 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Lincoln's growing up
Our "Ragdoll" Lincoln will be a year old next month. He's grown so much and his markings have gotten darker as you can see in the pictures. I hope no one is offended by him all sprawled out in this picture. :D
Posted by Chelle at 7:34 AM 1 comments
I haven't posted many pictures of Dantae on here so this morning I begged him to let me take a picture of him to post on the blog.
Here's my giggly girl. I forgot to post this the other day.
Posted by Chelle at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A little bit of everything
Hello everyone! Time seems to be flying by since starting school. Justus officially got his 2nd haircut a couple weeks ago. He also got a special surprise. He loves Wow wow wubbzy and Max & Ruby so I got him a Disco Dancin' Wubbzy and a Max & Ruby Halloween video.
This is a picture of Adriana eating some gummy lobsters we got in Boston.
We also celebrated Rob's birthday this weekend. Here is the cake I had made for him. For those of you who don't know, the symbol is the Greek letter Psi for Psychology.
Posted by Chelle at 6:51 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
We've had lots of changes in our household this month. Rob and I both started school. Yep, I was accepted into Grad School just days before classes began. It was a stressful week I must say. So, Justus and Adriana also started "school". Justus is adjusting slowly while Adriana seems to love it! Trust me, I've never seen a little girl get as dirty or dusty as she does from playing outside. Justus...well I have noticed a little collection of rocks in his jacket pockets. Dantae is starting to enjoy 1st grade and we are so proud of the improvements he's had. He is playing soccer again this year too.
Posted by Chelle at 8:53 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Omaha Zoo
We finally fit our trip to the Omaha zoo in this year. It was not the weekend to go I must admit. Everyone decided to go on Labor Day weekend. Rob, Justus and Adriana were suffering from allergies which didn't help. Then one of our stroller tires blew. Good thing, we were on our way out. Hopefully, things will turn around for us. I forgot to mention in my Boston post that when we were driving to Sioux Falls our check engine light came on and we couldn't drive more than 65mph on our way to the airport. So we arrived at the airport at 4:33am and our plane started loading at 4:46am. It's a good thing the airport is small.
We did get to meet up with an old neighbor of ours from when we lived in Brookings. It was great to see you guys, Kathi and Alexis! Hope to see you again soon!
Justus, Dantae and Alexis looking at the penguins. They're all holding hands, how cute.
Dantae and Alexis - love you two!
Posted by Chelle at 10:46 AM 1 comments
D's 6th Birthday Party
Since we didn't get to have a birthday party for Dantae close to his birthday, we decided to have one after he started school. This way he could invite his classmates and get to know them a little more. There aren't very many options in Vermillion so we decided to have it at the bowling alley. It was quite an experience for Rob and I, but it was a good time. My mom watched Justus and Adriana for us so we could focus on Dantae and his friends. Thanks Mom! I'm so glad Dantae got the party he deserved!
Here's a group picture. Two girls are missing since they had already left.
Posted by Chelle at 10:26 AM 0 comments