An update on Adriana. A week before turning 25 months she had her 2 year well check. She weighed 28 lbs (65%) and was 37" tall (97%)! That's my girl, tall and slender! She had one shot that Rob said she didn't even cry about. The nurse had given her a sticker before the shot and that was all it took to distract her. I didn't take her because I had taken Dantae in earlier that day for his weight check and he was at 62lbs.
Speaking of Dantae, he was lucky enough to attend soccer camp in Pierre with his uncle Wyatt in June. Thank You Gini.
Rob and I have also been attending our fair share of weddings this summer. We've been invited to 5 and have attended 3 so far. Those being located in Omaha, NE, Hartington, NE and Pierce, NE. It's been fun! But the most interesting one will be September 26th in which my whole family will be participating. I can only hope my children will perform their assigned role without any major problems. ;-)
Dantae and Trey in their soccer jerseys.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ana's Stats, Soccer Camp, Weddings
Posted by Chelle at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Father's Day
Posted by Chelle at 1:34 PM 0 comments
My Baby Girl Is Two Already!
We had a small party at our house to celebrate Ana's 2nd birthday. We were going to have it at the park, but it happened to rain that day. She is quite the amazing little girl. I love seeing the differences between her and her brothers.
Posted by Chelle at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
California Trip May 2009
The first night in California, we met up with some old neighbors (James and Cyndi Kimball and their son James) who live in Irvine now. We all went to Medieval Times and had a great time! The next day, Thursday, Rob went to the Convention and Dantae and I hung out. We walked to a nearby Target to get a charger and a different pair of sandals for Dantae then sat in the hot tub in our room. That night we went to the Pirate's Dinner Adventure which was pretty exciting too!
Friday, we went to Disneyland!! It was actually great weather for it! We weren't hot and miserable while standing in line for rides (saved money on drinks and cold treats). Space Mountain was our favorite ride, of course we enjoyed all of them that we went on! We were all pretty exhausted and ready to go back to our hotel.
Saturday, we went to Hooters for lunch and then to Emerald Bay where we met up with The Kimball's once again. James' parents have an amazing home with an awesome view of the ocean at Emerald Bay. The boys had fun running around at Laguna Beach. That evening we all went to Ruby's Diner to eat.
Sunday, our last day in California, we went to an Angels baseball game! It was Dantae's first and I think he did pretty good overall. The Angels won that day! That evening we went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner before heading to the airport for our red-eye flight. Yes, red-eye. Rob mistakenly booked us a red-eye flight and we will never do that again. Dantae and I both got sick after it. We were so glad to get back home.
Dantae and James at Laguna Beach. The tide was coming in.

Dantae running down the beach. Dantae and James on the rocks.
Rob and Dantae at Disneyland. Dantae at the Pirate's Dinner Adventure with his flag and sword.
Medieval Times.
Dantae and I at the Angels game. Dantae and Rob at Angels game.
Adenhart Memorial.
Dantae at The Cheesecake Factory! Angels Stadium
Posted by Chelle at 2:54 PM 0 comments