Today I went to the Brookings Arts Festival. I think the last time I went I only had one child. It was a good time. Thanks so much to my hubby for watching the kids so I could go. Love Ya!


Our life with a 7th grader, 3rd grader, 2nd grader and pre-schooler.
Posted by Chelle at 7:30 PM 0 comments
A couple weeks ago I brought home this discman from my moms, thinking Dantae might enjoy it. He really does too. Here's a picture of him jamming out to Crazy Frog.
This is Justus being silly.
Adriana loves to get in the somersault position and have someone give her a boost!
Posted by Chelle at 3:02 PM 2 comments
Last night we enjoyed some time in our newly fenced in backyard. We ate supper out there and then the kids had lots of fun playing in the water. One thing they enjoyed was the sprinkler ball toy. Justus was afraid af first, but then he started having fun putting the ball in and watching it float in the air. As you can see in the picture he was trying to stay as far away as he could to put the ball in. On another note, I'm happy to announce Adriana is totally weaned off breastmilk so anyone who wants to have her come stay is welcome to.
Posted by Chelle at 8:30 AM 0 comments
I believe Rob and I's first dog together will be put to rest today. When Rob first brought him to me, he was a cute fluffy little puppy and I was told he won't get too big. Wouldn't you know it, he grew to be more than 100 lbs. He was our "Big Boy". One of my favorite memories is when Rob was gone to Basic Training and I was sitting on the couch crying because I missed him so and Tyson brought over a toy to get me to play with him.(it was a good distraction) We had some really good times with this dog. We will miss him. We Love You Tyson.
Posted by Chelle at 7:13 AM 2 comments
Posted by Chelle at 5:09 PM 1 comments